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The council is creating a new web site. You will find the essentials here and more information will be added in coming weeks.

Community Awards

A new scheme of community awards is being launched to recognise notable contributions to Norton life. The eligible candidates to be “local heroes” can be any of a voluntary organisation, a charity, a membership organisation or an individual. Four awards will be made – one in each of these categories:

Norton based Charity of the Year

Norton based Unsung Hero of the Year

Best Christmas display in Norton business window

Best Christmas display in Norton business window

You can download details along with the nomination form – please complete the form and pass it to Claire Eade, our Town Clerk.

About Norton on Derwent Town Council

Norton on DerwentTown Council exists to serve the citizens living in the Parish of Norton on Derwent. It is the smallest level of local government. Despite much opposition, district councils were abolished. As a result, North Yorkshire Council is now the major local authority for the area. In addition, a Mayor has now been elected for the entire York and North Yorkshire region.

The 12 councillors, aided by a dedicated staff, seek to provide services that give benefit to the community. They also aim to be a bridge to North Yorkshire Council and the Mayor and to help people in their dealings with them.

In particular, North Yorkshire Council is required to consult Norton Council on planning applications. The council always seeks the best outcome for local people, and welcomes citizens’ views on planning applications.

Council meetings are held once a month, usually on the third Monday of each month. There are also occasional committee meetings for specific functions. You can find precise dates in our calendar. All meetings are open to the public (with few exceptions). The council encourages participation by citizens and welcomes attendance at meetings.

Election of councillors normally takes place every four years. The next election will be in 2027. The parish is divided into East and West wards, and each ward has six councillors. New candidates are encouraged to stand for election. Occasionally vacancies occur. Unless a poll is claimed, these are filled by co-option. Anyone over 18 and living in or near Norton is welcome to apply – contact the Town Clerk for more information.

Photo  © Copyright Roger Cornfoot and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence